Thursday, November 8, 2012

5 Tips to Determine the Direction of Your New Marketing Plan

Hosted by: technogranny

Title: Monday Morning Marketeer, How to Start Your Marketing Plan for 2013

Same information different year.

Listen to Show Here

Hosted by: technogranny
Title: Monday Morning Marketeer, How to Start Your Marketing Plan for 2011
Time: 01/24/2011 11:00 AM EST
Episode Notes: You never thought of doing a marketing plan for the year, shame on you! It's not too late. The snow has not thawed yet and guaranteed you will still have a few days where you do not feel like going out of the house, so let's get started with the basics, where do you start? And how do you make it sticky? Or how do you make sure that it is something you can and will follow?

Sticky and Stickiness are ways to describe marketing ideas that hold a certain value in a user’s mind. Within that value, the ideas must be worth enough to be shared with friends and family.
The concept of sticky marketing came from Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point“. Gladwell discusses product epidemics and tipping points being made up of 3 Laws:
1. The Law of the Few
2. The Stickiness Factor
3. Law of Context
“The Tipping Point” illustrates that products and services if presented right, and under the right circumstances, can be irresistible and sticky.

No matter what time of year!
The clock is ticking for
the success of your business.
Whether you are reading this at the first of the  year or the end of it, the clock is ticking.  Have you ever heard that having no business plan is like having a plan to fail?  No matter when you are reading this, there are only a Only a few more hours until the clock strikes IMMINENT, yes imminent and that is what time your failure arrives without a marketing plan.  Soon you will  fin yourself in another month, another quarter, another year without a marketing plan.   Do you know what you want to accomplish this year and what about the next and the year after that.  This is not And I’m not talking about your year-after-year resolution to that becomes a wish list at the end of the year that your fairy godmother did not grant.  Have you taken the time to sit down and truly figure out what you want to achieve for you and your business in the next months, next quarter, next year?
 This is not you writing into your to do list or on your calendar:
Here is a list of generic goals.
A..   Get my business in shape
B. Outpace my competitior
C. Find more clients
D. Make more money
But how are you going to get there?
The buzz word now is “sustainable business.”  If you are jumping on this buzz like it’s the train to success, which it is,  you must understand the importance of planning. However, that’s often easier said than done. Hectic schedules and day-to-day business tend to get in the way.  Again it is biblical, “Write your vision on tablets.”
Have no fear! Even if you haven’t put a strategic marketing plan in place for 2011, it’s not too late to get started now. So, what are you waiting for? Here are simple five steps to kick you into high gear and help you develop a marketing plan that will generate results for your business.

1. Start with goals
Sounds elementary, but you have
got to set goals.
Before you can put a plan in action, you need to know which direction you’re headed. Although this may seem like an obvious step, it can be often overlooked.
Take the time to write down specific, measureable goals for your business. Start with the larger goal in mind. Then, take it down into bite-sized chunks and look at what benchmarks you need to achieve on a monthly basis to accomplish the overall goal.  Not only will this exercise help you determine the best marketing strategy, but it will help hold you accountable along the way.
I will give you an example from my own seminar, Monday Morning Marketeer™  This is part of my Dreamweaver Marketing Associates plan which is by the way the parent company from which I run both my full service marketing company and all of my information products and media.
Goals from my Dreamweaver Marketing Plan Example:

  •   to garner additional listeners and sponsors for my radio shows
  •   To diversify products and add new ones that will augment my online platform and my business
  •   To create more stable income with diversification
  •   To increase my list and sphere of influence
  •   To keep my online identity fresh

I am not going to bore you with the bite size chunks that I broke these down into.  Everyone has to start somewhere and this is where I started.

2. Self Evaluation
What do you see when you
look in the mirror at your
The best marketing strategies in the world can’t help a business that doesn’t have a killer product or service. Before you do anything else, make sure you’ve got something spectacular to offer your customers.
I know, I know – we all think our own business is the best thing since sliced bread. But, ask your customers. Do they feel the same way? Does your product or service solve their problems or give them the results they’re after? Do your customers receive top-notch service?
If you’re not sure about the answers, talk to your employees and your customers. Getting their honest feedback will likely highlight some ways you can improve your offerings and make your business shine.
Here’s what I did in my Dreamweaver Marketing Associates Plan with regard to my media offerings:
Looked at my editorial calendar and how I could beef up my calendar for:
Monday Morning Marketeer
Professionals with Impact
This all feeds locally into
So I looked at:
· Web Statistics including hits, click throughs and unique page views
· Did my clients find the Pittsburgh Internet Radio and TV channel easy to use?
· Did they even understand its purpose?
· What could I do to augment content?
· Could I turn my current listeners and viewers into advocates?
· What did they think I should add?
· How did they think I could improve?
· I turned my listeners and readers into marketing constultants.  I asked them what they wanted, what could be better, how could I fix it.  And guess what?  I also took their recommendations.

3. Master the basics
It's simple!  Just do it!
There are a couple of marketing basics that are so essential, it’s like milk and bread. Branding and a websites fall into that category. If you want to move the needle for your business this year, you must have these in place.
Your brand has not only to be exciting but also rock solid.  This  is an integral to a successful business. More than just a logo, a brand is the personality of your business. In other words, your brand communicates who you are and what makes you different from the competition. If you haven’t nailed down your brand message, now is the time. Don’t wait another year to get this right.
In today’s digital world, an amateur website just won’t cut it anymore. A well-written, user-friendly website is a must for businesses. In a world that’s constantly competing for eyeballs, make sure your site hits the mark and doesn’t leave them quickly moving on to the next one.
These are some methods that I used in my Dreamweaver Marketing Associates.  I decided that I needed to  Promote my business by increased Internet marketing.
These are areas that I will share my ideas with you for various niches in the media portion of my business:
· Every Monday at the beginning of my show, PositivelyPittsburghLive I do the “local good news.”  I decided not enough people were listening and so I had my blogger put together the news in blog format with links back to listen and planned to  blast it out to my list every Tuesday.  The goal was to get 20% additional listeners and it is working, every month.
· The Roving Pittsburgher™ is another segment on the news which listeners really seem to like, even my guests who I force to listen to it before their roundtable interview on PositivelyPittsburghLive.  This is where I tell listeners where I , my good news reporters and other PositivePittsburghers have been the week before. Decided that this had to become more organized and profitable so I did a few things.  I purchased domain names and negotiated a new website, put a system into place to get more tickets for events and more dinner invitations. I also have plans to institute a monthly video contest where viewers can send in their own pictures which my staff will turn into a video.  The plan for the following year is to send out
the Roving Pittsburgher Report on Wednesdays.

· Post Script PPL         .
In order to raise the number of listeners and hit to my PPL Mag I needed a vehicle.  So I invented the PPL Post Script in which I would send out all of the syndicated show links that were archived in the previous two weeks.  This increased listeners.  This is a Thursday blast.
· To further interest local listeners I developed Positively Pittsburgh Live Perks™  This is a blast for channel owners on PositivelyPittsburghLive to put out special deals for PositivelyPittsburghLive listeners on DreamweaverMarketing Associates mailing list.

4. Make Sure You Get Noticed
Social media is definitely the new kid on the block. But before you rush off to sign up for a Twitter account, take a look at your current marketing efforts and determine what is working well for you.
Start some fireworks
about your business!
For instance, if word of mouth is your top business generator, build a referral strategy that rewards your biggest fans for spreading the word. Or, if your email list responds well to your campaigns, look for ways to grow your list by encouraging your readers to share it with their friends.
Whatever it is, continue to focus your energy in this area and look for ways to amplify it.
Oftentimes, the most profitable marketing effort we can employ is by taking a strategy that is working really well and turning up the volume.

If you have a mobile phone use down time to communicate on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, even Sprouter and what I am doing now in New Media, TalkShoe, also Blogger
I have Ning Network for Positive Pittsburghers and two Sundays ago sent out 1700 invitations to join.  :My newest strategy is to offer a free gift to everyone on the site once we hit each breakthrough goal for membership.  I have enlisted clients and local vendors to provide the gifts.  No cost for me and good public relations for them.

5. Stretch yourself
The reward is in the stretch!
So wake up!
Once you’ve hammered out ways to improve already successful strategies, you can begin to venture into uncharted territory. Social media is the considered marketing frontier for small business and it can be a great way to engage customers, generate leads and provide customer service.
But, before you take the plunge, do your research. Determine what you want to accomplish through social media. Find out where your customers hang out on line and where they go to get their information.  Also  look at what is working well for other businesses in your niche. A misguided social media effort will suck up a lot of time and produce little in return.
Determine your goals because your return on investment will not always be in dollars. It could be in visibility, additional hits to your website, additional inquiries.  These are my goals for my internet radio shows.
· Additional listeners
· Additional visibility
· Give out good information to create credibility
· Build relationships to increase customers
       So with that in mind I certainly hope you will use the share button to pass this blog onto friends and also that you

For More on this Topic:
 "Folly of Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101 Compelling Reasons to Write One" 

       Will listen to MondayMorningMarketeer™ or one of my other four internet radio shows.
You can listen to a fifteen minute audio version similar to this blog at:
Monday Morning Marketeer,

This blog post can be reproduced in its entirety with the following information:
© Joanne Quinn-Smith 2011, Monday Morning Marketeer™ 412-628-5048
Listen at:
Or on its unique radio channel at:

Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania and an expert on Web 2.0 Branding.
Joanne has also been designated by the 2009 U.S. Small Business Administration as the Small Business Journalist of the Year for her work with information relevant to and advocacy of small businesses.
Follow at:

Phone:  412-444-5197
11 11:00 AM EST
Episode Notes: You never thought of doing a marketing plan for the year, shame on you! It's not too late. The snow has not thawed yet and guaranteed you will still have a few days where you do not feel like going out of the house, so let's get started with the basics, where do you start? And how do you make it sticky? Or how do you make sure that it is something you can and will follow?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Morning Marketeer-5 Ways that Press Release Help Web 2.0 Branding

Listen to Seminar Here

Title: Monday Morning Marketeer--5 Ways that Press Release Help Web 2.0 Branding
Time: 09/24/2012 11:00 AM EDT
Episode Notes: Press releases are not just for getting attention on traditional media. Distributed properly press releases can add to your Web 2.0 Branding.But you should not just put them up on a press release site or on your web site and forget about them. So today you will get 5 Ways to use them to augment your Web 2.0 Branding from Joanne Quinn-Smith the Techno Granny.

And her guest, Hank Walshak of Walshak Communications will give you 11 Concrete ways to rock out your press releases so that they are a work of art from start to finish.  Hank Walshak, the Communications Expert for Experts Hank's Website, is the founder and CEO of Walshak Communications, Inc. helps business consultants and other experts to: Be read. Be heard. Be seen. And be known. He enables clients to create and market their content through traditional and social media to stand out and apart as leaders in their fields.

Hank has authored three books, the most recent being Driven: A How-to Strategy for Unlocking Your Greatest Potential, a work of creative nonfiction, written with Razi Imam and published by John Wiley & Sons How to Strategy Website  So listen in to get tips on how to rock out you press release and upgrade your Web 2.0 Branding at the same time.

Hank Walshak
Communication Expert for Experts

Hank Walshak, the Communications Expert for Experts (, is the founder and
CEO of Walshak Communications, Inc.  helps business consultants and other experts to: Be read. Be
Hank Walshak, Media Specialist
heard. Be seen. And be known. He enables clients to create and market their content through traditional
and social media to stand out and apart as leaders in their fields.

He is adept at enabling clients to articulate their ideas in ways that energize and stay with their

For more than 25 years, he has consulted with, coached, and implemented communications programs for business experts across a number of industries, from start ups, pharmaceuticals, energy, high technology, manufacturing, and advanced materials to health care, law to petrochemicals, sales, accounting, and higher education.

He has authored three books, the most recent being Driven: A How-to Strategy for Unlocking Your
Greatest Potential, a work of creative nonfiction, written with Razi Imam and published by John Wiley & Sons ( His earlier works include Meeting the Challenge: The Wesley College Story 1873-2003, and Elmira College: Still Ahead of Its Time. He is a coauthor of 29 Perspectives: Success Strategies for Business and Life, published by the Pittsburgh Coaches Association and Top Ten Tips for Lasting Happiness, published by Dr. Nancy Mramor.

 Show Notes

1.       You can use news releases to explode brand visibility and awareness of your company, products, or services.

2.       News releases complement other brand-supporting communications.

3.       Releases add support to the contacts you make with television and talk-show producers and reporters.

4.       Periodic releases are great ways to make yourself known to clients or customers.

5.       You can make repeated impressions for your brand on media people, clients, or customers. Repeated impressions through releases show your audiences that your company is thriving and growing.

6.       Be sure to print your news releases on your company or organization letterhead. This helps to establish your credentials with the media.

7.       Make sure you follow an accepted format when drafting your news releases.

8.       Remember to include contact information should the media want to contact you about your news releases.

9.       Try to fit your news releases within one, word-processed page or one email screen.

10.   Make sure to use a reputable news-release company like PR Web, PR Newswire, Vocus, or Cision. These companies deliver your releases to a multitude of traditional and social media.

11.   When staging an event, news releases build media and audience awareness and involvement before the  event.

Hank Walshak
Walshak Communications, Inc.
225 Cambridge Road
Bethel Park, PA 15102

(c) Joanne Quinn-Smith 2012  This blog may be reprinted only in its entirety and with all of the following information.

        Joanne Quinn-Smith, Host of MondayMorningMarketeer
      Award winning internet radio broadcaster, blogger, author  and internet radio and TV network editor and publisher and an expert on Web 2.0 Branding.   Joanne is the owner and CEO, Creative Energy Officer, of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates, a successful Pittsburgh-based marketing company. She is a grandmother and great grandmother, an unlikely trendsetter for online journalism and broadcasting. Joanne is internationally known as the “Get Your Google On” Gal.  But better known as Techno Granny™ to over one million accumulated online listeners worldwide.   Joanne has created a revolutionary online NEW MEDIA platform in Internet broadcasting, blogging and other social media participation that represents the new second generation of World Wide Web interactions, known in technology circles as Web 2.0. JQS is the online publisher of, an online community magazine to disseminate the Positive News for Positive Pittsburghers.  PPL Mag is Pittsburgh’s First Internet radio and TV network with syndicated channels and online radio and TV capabilities.

      Joanne was  also as the 2009 U.S. Small Business Administration "Journalist of the Year" for her work with information relevant to and advocacy of small businesses.
Follow at: MondayMorningMarketeerTwitterr
h    Blog:  http://mondaymorningmarketeer.comPhone:  412-444-5197

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Morning Marketeer, Image Branding

MondayMorningMarketeer Branding Series would not be complete without speaking about Image Branding. Listeners may think this is a bit off track from what Web 2.0 Branding Series would normally include, however, entrepreneurs and businesses need to collateralize their visual branding also.

Guest, Susan Newman is a brand identity designer and web specialist. Owner, Susan Newman Design Inc, Founder of Branding You BetterTM , Broadcast LouderTM , Visual BroadcastingTM , and co-Founder of Frogs Are GreenTM .  From designing a business logo and stationery package to print marketing such as brochures, posters, banners and signage, to social media page design (like Twitter/YouTube backgrounds and Facebook pages) and online marketing, website design, development including e-commerce, (theme creation for Wordpress and Concrete5, seo expertise) to email marketing, your visual image has to be consistent.  This is what Image Branding Specialist Susan Newman will discuss--Image Branding to augment Web 2.0 Branding.
Listen to Monday Morning Marketeer, Image Branding

Content for Call Broadcast Louder and Monday Marketeer:

Susan Newman
Susan Newman, brand identity designer and web specialist. Owner, Susan Newman Design Inc, Founder of Branding You BetterTM , Broadcast LouderTM , Visual BroadcastingTM  , and co-Founder of Frogs Are GreenTM .

If they want to tweet about Broadcast Louder:
I am learning to @broadcastlouder, build my brand and increase my visibility! #sbuzzu #broadcastlouder

Tell us a bit about your companies and mission:

Susan Newman Design Inc:
Working with entrepreneurs and businesses to brand their image. From designing their logo and stationery package to print marketing such as brochures, posters, banners and signage, to social media page design (like Twitter/YouTube backgrounds and Facebook pages) and online marketing, website design, development including e-commerce, (theme creation for Wordpress and Concrete5, seo expertise) to email marketing.

Visual Broadcasting – takes that one step further. One-on-one in-person brand conceptualization development coaching in 1/2 day or full day sessions. Building a company’s brand guide so their know all their preferences, which can assist them down the road as they develop their presence.

Branding You Better – My blog which focuses solely on branding & features entrepreneurs and creatives in an interview series. Blog posts are usually on branding issues, some are about websites, social media and marketing and many contain video screencasts tutorials.

Broadcast Louder Program has both free
and premium downloads.
Broadcast Louder – is online classes for entrepreneurs and creatives to teach them what they need to know to build their businesses right. I have invited expert guests for each topic & I decided the topics that I feel will help businesses. Some classes are now available as downloads (hour long audio classes with written content, ppt and homework) and starting March 28th, we start the new online classes.

Frogs Are Green – Co-founded with my friend, colleague and author, Mary Jo Rhodes, Frogs Are Green is an awareness organization helping to save frogs and amphibians from extinction. More than 1/3 of amphibians are threatened with extinction from a variety of issues and need our help. We feel if we can reach children by engaging them, they will care and continue to help as they grow up. This past year we had our annual kids’ art contest which drew 515 entries, and our photo contests which drew 65, all from more than 25 countries around the world.

Broadcast Louder and why I created this?
As a professional creative, who is also a business owner, I understand what business owners need to build their business the right way.  I’d love to explain why I’ve created Broadcast Louder and go over some of the benefits it will bring to creatives and entrepreneurs.
To build a business the most effective way for the highest ROI, you need to know the easiest and most productive ways to spend your time. So many talk about gaining friends and prospects through social media but you can easily spend hours commenting and posting without any success.
This is because you are not attracting your ideal clients in the right way. You also need to yes, Broadcast Louder… wider and farther and think on a global scale.
You have specific business goals and unique products & services but you’re not sure what steps to take next to grow in the direction that’s right for your business.

Why am I doing this
After working many years in corporate America at an executive level, I decide to open my own studio and founded my business in 1994… that’s 18 years now! I have ridden the rollercoaster of the economy and seen my businesses grow, as I branched out into different areas and I have learned so much. When you start your own business there are all sorts of challenges, from initial start up costs to finding and maintaining a client base, to keeping clients and fans interested in what you are doing through blogging and social media.
I knew I had to share what I’ve learned with others about branding, marketing, website design and development and many more topics. I bring in experts in each particular field so they can add the latest and most effective techniques that are working for them as well as for their own clients. We discuss all the key points of that topic so business owners are learning the most beneficial techniques for them.
In the first grouping of online classes, Creativity + Abundance 1.0, I wanted the webinar series to be somewhat in succession from the first spark of an idea and wanting to create a business around that, which includes branding and what branding means, to the product development, online presence, marketing, social media, publicity campaign and all the stops along the way to solidifying that company’s business plan. Talking the talk and walking the walk.

Creativity + Abundance 1.0
Available as a download, these classes are on Branding with guest, Todd Radom (professional sports brand identity designer), Products: One of a kind vs Limited Edition with Mark T. Smith (professional fine artist and curator), Sales and Cost Challenges with Julie Steelman(bankability guru, and author of the Effortless Yes), Social Media Strategies with Ted Rubin (social marketing strategist for Collective Bias), Time Management with Payson Cooper (social media and marketing expert, “Easy Marketing Secrets”), Website Development, CMS’s and E-commerce with Gina Nieves (Founder of MarkNet Group), Content Repurposing and Syndication with Denise Wakeman (Founder of the Blog Squad), and Public Relations and presentation with Robyn Hatcher (founder of SpeakEtc). What can I say except these 8 classes are power-packed and offer great content. I am thrilled to have these amazing expert guests in this series.
This Spring we will begin again with new topics and we’re starting with…
Starting March 28th with a FREE kick off class:
Ultimate Marketing Tips!
8-9 PM EST
From how to run an effective pay per click advertising campaign to the steps you need to know about building your first iphone or ipad app!

With Special Guest Louis Tanguay of Circle Marketing.
I truly believe that by learning to Broadcast Louder and staying focused, that means consistency as well, it will propel businesses in the right direction, to gain a larger targeted audience, new sales opportunities and greater abundance!
Branding You Better offers branding interviews for artists,
businesses, non profit organizations.

What do I mean about the right direction?
The community I live in is culturally active. Gallery openings, theater, movies, bicycle tours, races, parades, and more. The biggest problem I see that most of these businesses are not addressing, is public awareness, and marketing so the public actually knows you and what you are doing.
I know that many of these businesses are struggling dues to cut backs and the economy, but there are so many things they could be doing that wouldn’t cost them anything or very little (except maybe a little time invested) and it could be a game changer. When I see this I want so much to help them all, but I just can’t. I do have my own non-profit as I mentioned previously and I picked one theater company to help, Hudson Theatre Ensemble and have been their graphic and web designer since 2004.
This is why I created Broadcast Louder, because there are so many artists, creative businesses and entrepreneurs that need that extra help to learn new techniques and the best ones and it could truly make a difference to them.

So, let’s talk a bit about some of the key areas that would help a business attract those ideal clients and customers.

Branding What is it Really?

Most people don’t know that branding is more than an image, it's wording too.  Clear, passionate words that grab a hold of your viewer, explain your product or vision so your company mission is clear and understandable.  Is your product based upon eco friendly materials?  Then you would mention that you are "green" or "eco-conscious" consistently, giving examples as well as an overall definition.  Placing it once on your “welcome” page or on your business card isn't enough and won’t broadcast your mission loudly or clearly enough.  If you don’t express your eco-friendly concept in everything you project and share, you won’t find clients who are interested in eco-friendly products.

Speaking your mission in every part of your business is a VERY critical part of branding because if you don’t express yourself correctly, you won’t get the best results for your business, or, “What you put out there, is what you get back.”

I will say that I am approached almost everyday from companies that want to have me put their advertising banners on the Frogs Are Green blog, but it’s part of our ‘brand” that we want our site to have just our pure content. We just feel it would “pollute” our site and it’s not who we are. For another blog, this would be fine.

Branding is more than a logo

Branding is the look and feel of your mission and company. It's the statement you make in a moniker, tagline or mission statement that defines your goals, and promise to your customers and clients.  It’s your color palette distinction, font distinction (in all usage) and your messaging, as a start. But beyond that, your brand and YOU should be “one”.

An example is Broadcast Louder. I don't just say what it’s about, what I’m going to do and what my mission is. What's most important is to teach YOU what I've learned and the guest experts have learned and implemented ourselves, so you can do similar ideas with your own business, building it and growing it in ways you’ve never imagined… and of course I need to broadcast louder also. 
I am using the same strategies that I’m teaching  and receiving to grow Broadcast Louder.  My ability to use social media, the Broadcast Louder website and consistent cross-platform branding, and email marketing successfully, will show you how strong branding and messaging will give your company meaning and impact your own business.

Your "brand" is what you are representing, what you stand for, and what your client or customer expects from you.  It's your promise of “it," whatever your special "it" is.

Here’s a great example: I love the concept of “branding” so much that I feature others. They can be designers, artists, marketing experts, and entrepreneurs. They can share whomever they worked with to build their brand and I am sharing it publicly. It doesn’t matter whether they were my client or not, what matters is the brand identity and how it supports the concept of great branding and helped build their successful business. People love to read and watch videos about the success of others and how they did what they did and I love sharing it. It’s brought many more readers to my blog and in turn is helping publicize these people, and if they happen to look at my about page, I’m grateful.

Giving Back is Good Branding Too!

You started your business to speak through your work, to express yourself, do what you love while making money.  All of those things are honorable and important but there is one characteristic of good branding and good business that some people don’t know about, and that’s “giving.” 

Giving to others without any expectations of receiving.  You can give samples of your product to a charity, you can give back your time by teaching for free at a school or local community center or hospital, or online with your own webinar.  You can bring students or interns into your workshop and mentor them for school credit and more.

It’s actually quite simple. Everybody loves to get something for FREE. Period. So, whether you are donating, educating or just inspiring others, they will flock to what you are doing and when they do, they trust you more. When they trust you they are more likely to continue to follow you and even spread your name or company around. As they say, Fans become advocates, advocates become clients, clients who are also advocates spread your name to gain even more clients.

End with:

Classes This Spring, Beginning April 18:  “Is Print Marketing Dead?” with Lisa Steadman, “The 4 C’s of Effective Marketing Videos(capture, content, communicate, call to action)” with Michelle Lange, “Writing SEO Rich Content that works” with Miriam Cohen, “Thrive with your tribe: 10 keys to relationship alliance marketing that will drive business” with Kathryn Rose and “Me Time – The Non-Negotiable Work & Life Ethic” with Rick Clemons.
Coming this Fall: “Sexuality and Your Brand” with Bonnie Gayle, “Launch Your Start-Up” with Mike Michalowicz, “Feng Shui Your Office/Studio” with Ann Bingley Gallops, “Go Green!” with Andreea Ayers and “Time for Globalization” with Brandi Moore.
Class details here!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

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This program is for you if:
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