Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday Morning Marketeer, ReplyAll Conversation with Angel Hoffman on "How LinkedIn Promotes Your Business"

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Monday Morning Marketeer, Happy Birthday Podcast to Podcasts

Hosted by: technogranny
Title: Monday Morning Marketeer, Walk Down Memory Lane as Podcasting Turned 10!
Time: 08/25/2014 12:00 PM EDT
Episode Notes: 
Last year Itunes touted that there are now 250,000 podcasts being punted out to the world: not bad for a medium that was only invented a decade ago. With the newfound popularity of podcasts, TechnoGranny would estimate that by now there are 300 to 400,000. And MondayMorningMarketeer is proud to have been an early adopter, when podcasting was a toddler. TechnoGranny started podcasting in February of 2007. Walk down memory lane as we talk about the h-lights of the first ten years of podcasting as we resurrect Monday Morning Marketeer in an extended series to talk about, you guessed it PODCASTING.
Listen Live Or Later Here

Monday Morning Marketeer 

Celebrates 7 Years in August!

Hosted By:
Joanne Quinn-Smith
Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a full service marketing company specializing in Web 2.0 Gorilla Branding™. Known as the Techno Granny she offers her clients unique, creative and energetic marketing and management plans. Joanne’s expertise is in creating online platforms that create perpetual buzz. 

Joanne is an author, prolific blogger and talkcaster with over 800 shows. She has interviewed over 2000 prominent business owners, non-profit executives and celebrities. Her flagship website, PositivelyPittsburghLiveMagazine.com garners 220,000 hits per month, 62,000 unique page views per week and in 1 year had 2.25 million visitors. 

Joanne Quinn-Smith has been designated nationally, 2009 Small Business Journalist of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration for her advocacy and reporting on small business using New Media. Her good news reporting at PositivelyPittsburghLive was a finalist for best website or blog in Media for the American Business Stevie Award in 2010.  

Listen to the show HERE

Thank you for your viewing and listening support. If you would like your business featured on the Monday Morning Marketeer please contact us HERE.

This blog post can be reproduced in its entirety with the following information:
©Joanne Quinn-Smith 2014, Monday Morning Marketeer™ 412-628-5048
Listen at: http://tinyurl.com/MondayMorningMarketeer
Unique Radio Channel at www.positivelypittsburghlivemgazine.com
facebook.com/mondaymorningmarketeer | twitter.com/monmornmarketer

Posted By: Stephanie Curtice
This was reported as a reproduction of Monday Morning Marketeer™ done by Joanne Quinn-Smith.
© Joanne Quinn-Smith 2014 All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Monday Morning Marketeer 05-27-14 - 10 Must-Do Mid Year eCommerce Checkups

Monday Morning Marketeer 05-27-14
10 Must-Do Mid Year eCommerce Checkups
Hosted By: Joanne Quinn-Smith
Listen to the show online HERE

Today's Guest:
Steve Peck
Founding Partner, 8Pecks Marketing, LLC

Steve Peck is founder of 8Pecks Marketing, Inc where he and his team help businesses breakthrough the marketing doldrums that impede their growth.  While Instrumental in transforming a struggling 50 Million dollar manufacturer  into an international 270 million dollar powerhouse, Steve built the infrastructure to support the growth with minimal increases in overhead.

Steve has been solving complex business problems for 30 years, and continues to apply the latest technologies to create value for his clients.   He’s been an innovator on the internet since it was all dial up where he combines his love for business, marketing and technology.

A Graduate Scholar from Syracuse University, he earned an MBA in Marketing building on a degree in Physics.  Steve has been a top 20% distributor for a billion dollar nutrition company, promoted beer in glass bottles and has had buyers fly over 2,000 miles to buy a car from him.

10 Must-Do Mid Year eCommerce Checkups 
  1. Your website and checkouts are Mobile Responsive 
  2. “RICH” Content - quality articles, posts, images and videos 
  3. Site Performance - fast internet means your site needs fast response time 
  4. Micro Data - control how your data looks in Google, Bing, Yahoo 
  5. Multi Channel Sales - your site, store, Amazon, eBay, local sites 
  6. Store Allows Social Logins 
  7. Free, 2 Day Shipping 
  8. Live Chat Support 
  9. Planned Email Marketing 
  10. Planned Promotions

Preview of Part II:
Next time Steve will share a road map to utilizing Ezra Firestone and Ryan Diess's Black Box Formula.  He will address issues and answer questions about business models, market assessment, supplier and procurement platforms, blogs, social media, traffic sources, conversion, branding, business practices, Unique Selling Propositions and education resources.  It will be jam packed with information for you to dig in, get strategic, and GROW your business.

2777 Darlington Road | Beaver Falls, PA 15010
(724) 213-0545

Hosted By:
Joanne Quinn-Smith
Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a full service marketing company specializing in Web 2.0 Gorilla Branding™. Known as the Techno Granny she offers her clients unique, creative and energetic marketing and management plans. Joanne’s expertise is in creating online platforms that create perpetual buzz. 

Joanne is an author, prolific blogger and talkcaster with over 800 shows. She has interviewed over 2000 prominent business owners, non-profit executives and celebrities. Her flagship website, PositivelyPittsburghLiveMagazine.com garners 220,000 hits per month, 62,000 unique page views per week and in 1 year had 2.25 million visitors. 

Joanne Quinn-Smith has been designated nationally, 2009 Small Business Journalist of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration for her advocacy and reporting on small business using New Media. Her good news reporting at PositivelyPittsburghLive was a finalist for best website or blog in Media for the American Business Stevie Award in 2010.  

Listen to the show HERE

Thank you for your viewing and listening support. If you would like your business featured on the Monday Morning Marketeer please contact us HERE.

This blog post can be reproduced in its entirety with the following information:
©Joanne Quinn-Smith 2014, Monday Morning Marketeer™ 412-628-5048
Listen at: http://tinyurl.com/MondayMorningMarketeer
Unique Radio Channel at www.positivelypittsburghlivemgazine.com
facebook.com/mondaymorningmarketeer | twitter.com/monmornmarketer

Posted By: Stephanie Curtice
This was reported as a reproduction of Monday Morning Marketeer™ done by Joanne Quinn-Smith.
© Joanne Quinn-Smith 2014 All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

MondayMorningMarketeeer, Two Webinars with Tips for Building Profitable Landing Pages

Listen to Intro Call That Was Interrupted by Tech Difficulties

Listen to Part Two for Five Fantastic Tips on Landing Pages and Free Special Offer

Steve Peck is founder of 8Pecks Marketing, inc where he and his team help businesses breakthrough the marketing doldrums that impede their growth.  While Instrumental in transforming a struggling 50 Million dollar manufacturer  into an international 270 million dollar powerhouse, Steve built the infrastructure to support the growth with minimal increases in overhead.  

Steve has been solving complex business problems for 30 years, and continues to apply the latest technologies to create value for his clients.   He’s been an innovator on the internet since it was all dial up where he combines his love for business, marketing and technology.

A Graduate Scholar from Syracuse University, he earned an MBA in Marketing building on a degree in Physics.  Steve has been a top 20% distributor for a billion dollar nutrition company, promoted beer in glass bottles and has had buyers fly over 2,000 miles to buy a car from him.   

This morning Steve is going to talk about 5 keys to creating killer landing pages that will help you crush your competition and increase your profits.   You’ll get takeaways you can implement and see your conversions improve today.   Tips that recently allowed for an over 300 percent increase in webinar registrations.

Arguably his greatest accomplishment may be raising  6 great, overachieving kids with his wife Julie.  
It's all about conversion -
Some best practices but it's not a matter of what is right or wrong - it is what works and what doesn't work.

What is a landing page - 
influence visitor to take a desired action

Sometimes there is so much effort at getting traffic, getting your email opened, getting visits to your site - we throw the landing page together just to get it done.  Seen it way to many times.

Background you have to work with:

a) Who the Landing Page Targets - Target Segments with Custom Pages 
b) your desired action
c) know the flow -where is the traffic coming from

Critical Elements 
1) Killer Headline
         - Have a clear offer (signup, purchase, free trial, etc)
2) Keep your content simple
         - [don't click this button] 
         - Eliminate options and clutter
         - consistent / believable   (car insurance quote - zip code! / Driving record)
3) Make it obvious what to do!   
         Car dealer web site -  Had a button that called to the visitor (push me! Push me!)
4) Custom / Compelling Call To Action above the fold (doesn't mean a button with "Submit")
5) Test / Measure / Refine / Test - Repeat, repeat, repeat 
         - (Split Testing)
         - Scientific Method - Hypothesis & Test

Bonus - Collect only what you need - if you need more / make it two steps.
         -  Start with your call to action and work backwards
         -  Look for some models or tools to make the mechanics easier (Optimize Press, Lead Pages, Unbounce, )

Here is the special offer for listeners:
1) First 5 responders - Landing Page One on One Review with me. - Value $300
2) Everyone - Userful Resources Guide for Landing Pages including a Headline Analyzer

Steve Peck

http://8pecks.com  [My It's Your Game - Blog]

http://LinkedIn.com/in/StevePeck  [Connect with me on LinkedIn]

skype: steve.peck09

(c) Joanne Quinn-Smith 2014 All Rights Reserved

This blog post can be reproduced in its entirety with the following information:
© Joanne Quinn-Smith 2013, Monday Morning Marketeer™ 412-628-5048

Or on its unique radio channel at:
Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and an expert on Web 2.0 Branding.
Joanne has also been designated by the 2009 U.S. Small Business Administration as the National Small Business Journalist of the Year for her work with information relevant to and advocacy of small businesses. Joanne is the host of MondayMorningMarketeer Talkcast, 15 minute Talkcast seminars on Gorilla Marketing that you can do yourself for free or under $100.00  She is the author of “Folly of Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101 Compelling Reasons to Write One”  available at:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DHKVJOG

Follow at:  https://twitter.com/monmornmarketer

Phone:  412-444-5197